Rocketbook Notebooks with MarCom Logo Imprinted

如需報價或查詢,請聯繫我們的銷售代表 Joanne Yip,電話 24072332
我們與 Rocketbook 密切合作,希望贏得您的信任,我們為你打做具有實際用途和高價值的禮品。 我們將免費為您製作平面設計。 您的公司標誌將精美印在所選的筆記本樣式上。
如果您沒有準備好設計或需要幫助來創建設計,我們隨時為您提供幫助。 我們提供免費的藝術服務,以確保您獲得適合您項目的完美設計。

For inquiry and quotation, you are welcome to contact our specialist, Joanne Yip, at phone 24072332
Artwork Before Payment
We work closely with Rocketbook Team to get your orders only after earning your trust. We will create your artwork (free of charge) and provide a product graphic proof for you to approve before any payment info is requested.
Free Design Services
If you don't have a design ready or need help creating one, we are here to help. we offer free art services to ensure you get the perfect design for your project.
No Setup Fees
We don't do setup fees. When you see the pricing, that is the pricing, all in. You can easily see what your final cost will be without getting surprised later by setup fees, run charges or shipping.