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Plan your future with a futuristic planner! We partnered with our friends at Panda Planner to combine inspiration with innovation. Rocketbook Panda Planner is s reusable monthly, weekly, and daily planning pages which help you take back control of your life, one page at a time. Then, use the innovative synthetic paper which allows you to write smoothly with a Pilot FriXion pen, then magically wipe your planner clean with a damp cloth to crush your life goals year after year.
Letter Size (A4) : 21.6 cm x 28 cm / 32 pages Executive Size (A5) : 15.2 cm x 22.4 cm / 36 pages
Undated monthly, weekly, and daily templates to organize your life
Goals and motivation templates for building happiness
Works with any Pilot FriXion pen, marker or highlighter for smooth writing
Pages are erasable with included microfiber cloth and Pilot FriXion pen for endless reuse
Rocketbook app scans and connects your notes to the cloud to digitally save and share your notes
Panda Planer 裡面包括有:月份,每周和每天的計劃模板,點網格模板和横線書寫模板,幫助您創建更好的未來 可與任何 Pilot FriXion 系列筆,Marker 或 Highlighter 配合使用,書寫流暢 使用隨附的超細纖維布擦除不需要的筆記,以實現無盡的重複使用 Rocketbook 應用程式可掃描您的筆記並將其連接到雲端以保存,使用社交媒體或電子郵件發送您的筆記 採用特殊合成聚脂纖維為內頁,頁面上寫字畫圖就像在普通紙上寫作一樣 可用濕布擦去筆跡,不限使用次數 使用 Pilot Frixion 魔擦鋼珠筆和超細纖維布 (隨包裝附送) 獨家的專利掃描技術,能供精準處理和優化筆記頁面 頁面底部有七個符號,符號代表你最常的地點,應用程式可自動將筆記上載到您選擇的地點,例如:電子郵件,whatsapp,dropbox,google drive 等等 其他顏色的 Fixion Pen 可從文具店購買